St. Helena Recovery Center, Napa Valley Drug Rehab

Your Recovery Experience

St. Helena Recovery Center focuses on whole person care by healing all aspects of your life within a safe, restorative environment.

The disease of addiction not only affects the mind, body and spirit, but also impacts all other aspects of life including relationships, careers and finances. Because each person exhibits different symptoms and has unique treatment needs, our experienced multidisciplinary team develops a customized recovery treatment plan supported by evidence-based strategies including a multi-step recovery success program and family counseling for drug and alcohol addiction.

At St. Helena Recovery, we help you develop an action plan that rebuilds your life. Through our multiple levels of care, you will successfully:

  • Reinvigorate your mind and spirit, shifting your mindset on a return to good health
  • Develop an individualized continuing care plan
  • Receive support for family relationships through our family recovery program
  • Participate in an established multi-treatment step recovery program
  • Develop a new appreciation for life

Medical Access

All medical care takes place separately and is billed separately from the Recovery program. We will coordinate your additional care with various medical specialists in partnership with St. Helena Hospital. Medical needs and referrals include, but are not limited to, pain management, tobacco cessation, Suboxone™ treatment, controlling cravings, and additional counseling needs through psychiatrists and addictionologists. Based on your medical needs, we will ensure that you are properly cared for by qualified medical professionals.

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Success Stories

Success Stories
I am so grateful for this opportunity. I know this experience has changed my life and the lives of my family. The counseling staff works wonderfully as a team. I've received something from each counselor Read More>>
St. Helena's staff treated me with dignity. I felt safe and well-informed through Dr. Hambrick and Dr. Arlene Taylor's powerful, informative and educational lectures. Read More>>