St. Helena Recovery Center, Napa Valley Drug Rehab

Group & Family Based Treatment

Facilitated by trained and qualified counselors, our group therapy sessions provide peer feedback and support through the different phases of the recovery process. Equally important is helping your family to recover and understand their role in your recovery.

Group Based Treatment

St. Helena Recovery Center offers group based treatment as a best practice in the field of alcohol and drug addiction. The program consists of psychoeducational, process, phase groups, art therapy and therapy groups. Counselors facilitate each group and promote the “peer to peer model” which helps clients receive and reflect on their peers’ feedback and the counselor, so they can support each other through their different treatment phases and their recovery process.

Family Focused Treatment

Alcoholism and addiction are a family disease. Family members, as well as the addict or alcoholic, play a significant role in the addiction process. Each member is critical in the recovery process. At the St. Helena Recovery Center collaborative treatment with families helps to create a long term impact in the client’s life and in the environment that the client will return to after their 28-day stay. Helping families recover, one family at a time, is one of our top priorities at our program. Helping families and individuals begin to heal from the pain and suffering is a great first step to a healthier lifestyle.

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Success Stories

Success Stories
I am so grateful for this opportunity. I know this experience has changed my life and the lives of my family. The counseling staff works wonderfully as a team. I've received something from each counselor Read More>>
St. Helena's staff treated me with dignity. I felt safe and well-informed through Dr. Hambrick and Dr. Arlene Taylor's powerful, informative and educational lectures. Read More>>